ActiveHerb™ Concentrated Formula Extract Granules

5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH313E
Ba Zhen Tang is a classic Chinese medicine that tonifies both Qi and Blood.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH316E
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang is a regarded Chinese medicine that replenishes Qi, invigorates the Blood, and unblocks the channels.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH304E
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is a primary Chinese medicine that strengthens the Spleen, replenishes the body's Qi energy, and promotes physical endurance.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH307E
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang is a reputed Chinese medicine that dispels Wind, Cold, and Damp to relieve pain and meanwhile nourishes Qi and the Blood, tonifies the Liver and Kidneys.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH305E
Gui Pi Tang is a commonly used Chinese medicine that replenishes Qi and the Blood, strengthens the Spleen, and nourishes the Heart.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH315E
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang is a classic Chinese medicine that invigorates the Blood to remove blood stasis, regulates the menses, and disintegrates masses in the lower abdomen.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH306E
Jin Kui Shen Qi Tang is the best known Chinese medicine that tonifies and warms the Kidney Yang.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH301E
Liu Wei Di Huang Tang is the most commonly used Chinese medicine that nourishes Yin and tonifies the Kidneys.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH310E
Qi Ju Di Huang Tang is a famous Chinese medicine that nourishes Yin, tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, and improves vision.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH311E
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San is a popular Chinese medicine that replenishes Qi, strengthens the Spleen, harmonizes th Stomach, and removes Dampness.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH309E
Suan Zao Ren Tang is a popular Chinese medicine that nourishes the Heart and tranquilizes the mind.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH312E
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is a famous Chinese medicine that calms the Liver and stops Wind, clears pathogenic heat, and nourishes the Liver and Kidneys.
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(Bupleuri Relaxe)
5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH303E
Xiao Chai Hu Tang is a famous Chinese medicine that harmonizes Shaoyang stage disorders.
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(Skin WindClear)
5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH314E
Xiao Feng San is a regarded skin Chinese medicine that dispels Wind, removes Damp, clears Heat, and nourishes the Blood.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH302E
Xiao Yao San is a very known Chinese medicine that disperses Liver Qi stagnation and meanwhile strengthens the Spleen and nourishes the Blood.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH308E
Zhi Gan Cao Tang is a famous Chinese medicine that nourishes Qi and the Blood, enriches Yin, and restores pulse.
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