Blood Stasis

5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH316E
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang is a regarded Chinese medicine that replenishes Qi, invigorates the Blood, and unblocks the channels.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH315E
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang is a classic Chinese medicine that invigorates the Blood to remove blood stasis, regulates the menses, and disintegrates masses in the lower abdomen.
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(Blood StasisClear)
5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH317E
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang is a classic Chinese medicine that invigorates the Blood to remove blood stasis and moves Qi to relieve pain.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH143P
Support Rehab. Strocontrol™ is an ancient Chinese medicine famous for nourishing Qi and Blood and clearing the Channels.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH083D
GyneAssure™ is an ancient Chinese medicine that removes blood stasis and is regarded for supporting uterus and ovary health.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH083P
GyneAssure™ is an ancient Chinese medicine that removes blood stasis and is regarded for supporting uterus and ovary health.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH036D
Keep your blood flow. This all natural Guang Ci Tang signature formula helps support blood circulation and cardiovascular health.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH036P
Keep your blood flow. This all natural Guang Ci Tang signature formula helps support blood circulation and cardiovascular health.
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(Abdo StasisClear™)
200 mg 200 Tablets | AH091D
Abdo StasisClear™ is an ancient Chinese medicine that removes Blood stasis and disperses cold in the lower abdomen to support gynocological function.
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(Abdo StasisClear™)
200 mg 200 Tablets | AH091P
Abdo StasisClear™ is an ancient Chinese medicine that removes Blood stasis and disperses cold in the lower abdomen to support gynocological function.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH090D
StasisClear™ is a regarded Chinese medicine that removes blood stasis and Qi obstruction in the channels.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH090P
StasisClear™ is a regarded Chinese medicine that removes blood stasis and Qi obstruction in the channels.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH116P
WarmMenses™ is a classic Chinese herbal formula that warms menses to dispel Cold and nourishes blood to remove Blood stasis in the lower abdomen.
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(Blood StasisClear™)
200 mg 200 Tablets | AH087P
Blood StasisClear™ is a classic Chinese medicine famous for invigorating the Blood and removing Blood stasis in cases presenting with blood stasis.
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