Damp Heat Clearing

5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH301E
Liu Wei Di Huang Tang is the most commonly used Chinese medicine that nourishes Yin and tonifies the Kidneys.
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5:1 Extract Granules 100 g | AH319E
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang is a known Chinese medicine that purges Fire from the Liver and Gallbladder and clears Damp-Heat from the lower Jiao.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH170P
UTflow™ is a classic Chinese medicine famous for clearing heat and dampness in the urinary tract and supporting a healthy urine flow.
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(Liver FireClear™)
200 mg 200 Tablets | AH117D
A Chinese medicine famous for its popular use in purging the Liver Fire, cleansing the Liver, and supporting liver health.
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(Liver FireClear™)
200 mg 200 Tablets | AH117P
A Chinese medicine famous for its popular use in purging the Liver Fire, cleansing the Liver, and supporting liver health.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH135D
Feel heavy in the legs and feet? Dampclear™ is a classic Chinese medicine that clears Heat and eliminates Dampness in the lower body.
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200 mg 200 Tablets | AH135P
Feel heavy in the legs and feet? Dampclear™ is a classic Chinese medicine that clears Heat and eliminates Dampness in the lower body.
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